Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating a Program

In the Variable Manager screen, click the New Program button to create a Program.


  1. In the Variable Manager screen, click the New Program button.

A new blank Program is opened containing an Overview and Audience tab.

  1. Click the icon from the page banner to display a screen where you can enter:
    • Name
    • Description
  2. Click Save from the ribbon bar to save the program.
  3. In the Overview tab:
    • Properties: set a default resolution for each child campaign.
    • Brief: a rich text field where you can include a detailed Program brief, including images.
  4. The Profile Tab:
    • Profile - This is a Dashboard tab that is intended to provide an overview of the program's target audience. It supports all standard dashboard functionality and can display gadgets that provide information about the audience, though later segmentation will select exactly which recipients will be targeted.
  5. The following tabs display information on the Program and are auto populated where appropriate:
    •  Results - This is another dashboard tab, but this will be filtered to display recipients that have responded to the campaigns within the program. The dashboard will therefore display results over time as response data is captured and recorded.
    • State - Not used, to view the state of Audiences in a Campaign that is associated with the Program, open and view the equivalent tab in the Campaign.
    • Activity Log - Programs in themselves do not execute but simply provide a Universe for the associated Campaigns and as such have no activity to log. To view the Campaign Activity logs, view the equivalent tab in the Campaign Document.
  6. In the Audience tab, you can create segments that specify the global inclusion and exclusion rules for child campaigns linked to that Program. This is the same functionality as used when creating Segments.

If nothing is added on this tab then each campaign will have its audience specified in isolation on its own Audience tab. As soon as a segment is added to the Inclusion node at Program level, that segment becomes the universe for any child campaign Audiences. Any records outside of this universe will not be included in campaigns, even if they qualify according to individual campaign criteria. To summarize, the total Program Audience Inclusion is joined with the campaign Audience Inclusions using the AND operator.

Program Audience Exclusions are joined with the campaign Audience Exclusions using the OR operator.

Once all information has been added, save the Program.


When changes are made to a Program Document after it has been linked to a Campaign, you must process the Document using the Run button before saving it, so that the changes are picked up by any linked Campaigns.

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